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Accolta in un tendone nero da zombi, mummie, diavoli, personaggi legati alla letteratura e al cinema horror, ho trascorso una fantastica serata al Circo de Los Horrores.
This year my Halloween night was crazy!
Received in a black tent by zombies, mummies, devils, characters related to literature and horror movies, I spent an incredible evening at Circo de Los Horrores.
Lo spettacolo, sconsigliato ai minori di 10 anni, è costruito magistralmente.
La storia ha inizio con l'arrivo di un uomo, sceso alla fermata del treno sbagliata, che si ritrova in un cimitero degli orrori, da cui ha inizio il suo spaventoso viaggio tra incontri ed eventi terrificanti.
The show, not recommended for children under 10 years, is masterfully constructed.
The story begins with the arrival of a man, dropped off at the wrong train station, which is found in a cemetery of horrors, where he begins his frightening journey through terrifying meetings and events.

Lo show è un mix di cabaret e classici numeri circensi, eseguiti da artisti eccezionali, truccati e vestiti in maniera impeccabile.
...ma mi fermo qui per non rovinarvi la sorpresa!
Vi dico solo di noi perdervi questo fantastico circo, tutto made in Spagna, che rimarrà a Napoli, alla Mostra d'Oltremare, fino all'8 dicembre.
Per info: www.circodeloshorrores.com/italia
The show is a mix of cabaret and classical circus acts, performed by outstanding artists, made up and dressed impeccably.
... but I'll stop here so as not to spoil the surprise! Only one thing: don't miss this great circus, all made in Spain, which will remain in Naples at 'Mostra d'Oltremare' until 8 December.
For more info: www.circodeloshorrores.com/italia
The show is a mix of cabaret and classical circus acts, performed by outstanding artists, made up and dressed impeccably.
... but I'll stop here so as not to spoil the surprise! Only one thing: don't miss this great circus, all made in Spain, which will remain in Naples at 'Mostra d'Oltremare' until 8 December.
For more info: www.circodeloshorrores.com/italia
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